About Us

Score Try - Keep Trying, Success will follow.

About Scorety

  • Scoretry is an initiative that encourages students to be independent and adapt to practical learning through practice. 
  • It attempts to empower students and provide resources they need to thrive and achieve success through practice.
  • With the help of personalized learning responses and scores, students may assess where they stand and what steps they should take to accomplish the desired objective of mastering the subject matter. 
  • The best aspect of using the medium of online assistance, kids can do it themselves under parent’s guidance
  • Hence, this is a modern cutting-edge technology based solution to the learning-related issues parents are currently facing.  
  • Children can get access to an innovative  online practice platform thanks to the user-friendly interface and they can use it by themselves.
  • Scoretry delivers the greatest outcomes by making students follow the principle “Practice leads to Perfectio”.


Our purpose is to provide a comprehensive online knowledge base that fosters the habit of learning through practice while using easily accessible technologies.  

Keep trying and success will follow. 

  • Perks of joining
  • Resilient learning 
  • User-friendly layout
  • Wide range of questions
  • Personalized and precise feedback mechanisms to meet the learning requirements of your kid.
  • Promotes independent learning
  • Incorporate the habit of practise